Thursday, February 25, 2010


so on amc forrest gump is being played all week at the same time & we've been watching it every night. one of my favorite scenes in the film is when jenny and forrest are reunited in their hometown. they're living together and are like peas and carrots again. they take a walk one day and come across her childhood home. its a quiet and run down old place where she holds memories of her fathers abuse. she starts walking towards it and picks up a rock and throws it at the house. she finds more rocks and continues throwing and a window breaks and she starts throwing her shoes. as she's throwing them she starts sobbing and falls to the ground. at this point forrest goes over to her and just sits. he doesn't try to comfort her or say something to ease her pain. he just sits and waits. then you hear tom hanks' narrative, alabama voice say:
"Sometimes I guess there just aren't enough rocks."
i think this is something i want. for someone to just sit and watch me throw rocks.

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